Potassium and Diet

Potassium is an essential nutrient, helping communication between nerves and muscles and to move nutrients into cells. Its other benefits include healthy skin, reduced cellulite, strong bones and the alleviation of menstrual cramps.

Bananas are commonly thought of as a rich source of potassium. One average-sized banana is said to contain 9% of your recommended daily allowance.

The dietary website Prevention.com, however, lists no fewer than thirteen popular foodstuffs that (it says) have more potassium per serving than bananas: potatoes, sweet potatoes, tomato sauce, watermelon, spinach, beetroot, black beans, white beans, tinned salmon, edamame, butternut squash, Swiss chard, and yogurt.

(Edamame, according to Wikipedia, is "a preparation of immature soybeans in the pod, found in cuisines with origins from East Asia." It's pronounced ed-a-mam-ay. Sorry if you already knew this!)

Dr. Axe's Food and Medicine lists the top ten potassium-rich foods: and bananas are No. 10. The top nine are avocado, acorn squash, spinach, sweet potato, wild-caught salmon, dried apricots, pomegranate, coconut water, and white beans.

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